Hello Everyone,
I have been thinking for a while that I would continue writing my blog that I started 3 years ago when I headed off on my my amazing adventure to NYC.
So much has happened in the three years since. I have bought my own house, I am getting married, I am now teaching wonderful children, I have joined forces with a dear friend and created a great theatre school called Scene One Theatre Arts and I have performed in great shows.
Speaking to my BFF Katie tonight made me think about taking up the blog again. I sometimes get caught up in other peoples lives and achievements that I don't reflect on my own. I don't look at the amazing things I am doing and just focus on the goals I haven't achieved yet. So I think by writing this will make me realise that events happen for a reason and my dreams will come to me in time and I should just appreciate what I have at this moment in time and most importantly be proud.
I have decided tonight that I am going to have a singing lesson every month to get back into the mind set of a performer and also to get my passion back. I have been so focused on my wonderful students that I have thought about my own performing efforts. So I will phone my great singing teacher tomorrow and set up that all important first lesson back!
Jen x